On 7th April, Maavalla Koda who represents the nature worshippers of Native Estonians sent their condolence to Vatican in the event of the death of Pope John Paul II. The statement appreciatively brings out the Pope’s merits in increasing the tolerance and understanding in the world. John Paul II was the first Pope in history, who admitted and regretted the abasement, suffering and loss caused by the Catholic Church to the dissentients and nonconformists, especially to the Natives.

Maavalla Koda also expressed hope that Vatican will continue the Popes spiritual path. Apologizing to the Natives and making amends for the injustice opens the path to reconciliation and co-operation between religions for the World’s and people’s better future.

The history of the relations between Vatican and Estonia is tragic. In the XIII century with the blessing from the Pope counties of Estonia were occupied during the bloody crusades which lasted for decades. At the same time the Natives were taken away the opportunity to follow their ancestors’ native religion and develop their own culture, economy and statehood. But the catholic period represents only one episode of the Estonian occupations. The majority of the documented crimes against humanity were executed during the Lutheran centuries. For instance most of the known witch trials in Estonia were carried out by the guidance or participation of the Lutheran church.

Maavalla Koda