Jaban Kogo (Dung), Kachia Local Govt. Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Pyhapaiga nimi/nimed
Dung Sacred Stones
These Stones are said to represent a family of four who were ambushed during the slave wars/trades. The slave hunters (Hausas) chased them out of their settlement and were about to capture them when they turned to these stones. The stones cannot be approached without some rituals which include singing and dancing and asking for forgiveness of numerous sins of the people which are usually named one by one. The two erected/astride stones are said to be Husband and Wife while the two smaller ones are Son and Daughter. This place is still being used by the inhabitants to conjure up rain fall when shortage of rains occur during rainy reason and also during festival in dry seasons, the Chief Priest and Priestess are said to visit this location and conjure up rainfall to wet the land.
Ham Heritage Development Trust Fund, Planning Comm