Strandgia hills, near mountain Gradishte, surrounding of Malko Tyrnovo town, Bulgaria
Story of the cave of Egyptian goddess Bastet in Bulgaria in the surrounding of small town Malko Tyrnovo near Turkish border is well-known all around the world. During 20th century German Nazis, Soviet warriors and local authorities made many efforts to explore very simple hill with a cubic cavern inside. Interesting artifacts we discovered , transported to Europe for future exploration and disappererd. After many death of those involved in exploration the cavern was exploded. The place was closed for many years and only recently general public was allowed to see the place where deep underground the goddess Basted is burried. Entering the cave is impossible due to the small and very deep pool in front of it. Sometimes people are not allowed to get their by some unexplainable forces or circomstances. Cars stop working, weather changes dramatically or something even more disastrous happens. But those accepted by Basted can stand and see the sacred place." We came to Bulgaria to see this place but could not reach it from the first time. The guide we invited changed the program and brought us to another place. So we had to hire another guide and to try to get their again. This time my 4-year old son did not feel well. But as we arrived near Gradishte mountain all his sickness dissappered and he followed me to the top of the hill. On the way to the top there was the place we were looking for.