Kolmapäeval 11. urbekuud kell 18 esitleb Lapi ylikooli professor Juha Pentikäinen Helsingis kahte filmi Siberi nõidadest ja nõidusest. Näidatakse filme "Põhjapõdra andmine" (20 min) ja "Viimane rännak" (47 min).
Koht: Helsingi, Vironkatu 1, Hall 3B
Esitlus on inglise keeles, filmid on ingliskeelse tõlkekirjaga.
Sissepääs vaba!
Lisateavet inglise keeles.
On Wenesday 11.3.2009 for the activisties of the Study Circle on Documentary films
The director, Professor Emeritus in Comparative Religion and Assosiate Professor of Nordic Ethnography JUHA PENTIKÄINEN (University of Lappland, Rovaniemi) will present in ENGLISH two documentaries on SIBERIAN SHAMANISM
When: 11.3.2009 at 18:00
Where: Bulding of Musicology in Vironkatu 1, Hall 3B
The entrance and the partecipation is FREE for all, feel free to invite other students or friends
and to forward this message.
The presentation will be in ENGLISH.
A film on the shamanic reeindeer sacrifice amongs the Ob-Ugric people Khanty or Hanti.
Khanty / Hanti (previous name: Ostyaks) are a native people calling themselves Khanti, Khande, Kantek (Khanty), living in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, a region historically known as "Yugra" in Russia, together with Mansi peoples. In the autonomous okrug, the Khanty and Mansi languages are given co-official status with Russian.
The shamanic ritual songs are translated into English.
2. FINAL JOURNEY (47 minutes)
A film on the Kasa taori, a shamanistic ritual finalized to send the dead souls to the otherworld, the Buni. The ritual was performed the last time by the Nanai of the Amur
River in the 1991. The film tells the story of Amur areas native people and their revival oftheir shamanistic rituals and traditions after Stalin prohibited them in 1937.
The Nanai people, formerly also known as Golds and Samagir) are a Tungusic people of the Far East, who have traditionally lived along Heilongjiang (Amur), Songhuajiang (Sunggari) and Ussuri rivers on the Middle Amur Basin.
Nanai are know in the worls thanks to the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's 1975 film Dersu Uzala, based on a book by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, who described the friendship with his Nanai guide named Dersu Uzala.
The Nanais are mainly Shamanist, with a great reverence for the bear (Doonta) and the tiger (Amba). They consider that the shamans have the power to expel bad spirits by means of prayers to the gods. During the centuries they have been worshipers of the spirits of the sun, the moon, the mountains, the water and the trees. According to their beliefs, the land was once flat until great serpents gouged out the river valleys. They consider that all the things of the universe possess their own spirit and that these spirits wander independently throughout the world. In the Nanai religion, inanimate objects were often personified. Fire, for example, was personified as an elderly woman whom the Nanai referred to as Fadzya Mama. Young children were not allowed to run up to the fire, since they might startle Fadzya Mama, and men always were courteous in the presence of a fire.
Production Organization: Etnika Oy
Director:Juha Pentikäinen
The shamanic ritual songs are translated into English.
A film produced by Juha Pentikäinen and Mihàly Hoppàl.
Lenght 47 min. (1998)
Juha Pentikäinen
Pentikäinen has field-work oriented approach to the study of religious traditions. He is especially interested in oral history, native religions and cultures. His research is strongly oriented to the study of Nordic native peoples as the Sami, Finns, Karelians, Khanty and Nanai.
His publications since 1960 include more than 30 books, 250 scholarly articles, and 15 films.
Pentikäinen holded guest professorships in United States (Santa Barbara). Along with his professorships, he gave lectures in more than 100 Universities in numerous different countries.
The meetings are the result of cooperation between different institutions and festivals:
- the departments of musicology, semiotics and comparative
religion of the University of Helsinki
- the University of Lappland of Rovaniemi
- the Society for Northern Etnography (SNE or PES)
- the Finnish Film Foundation
- the DocPoint Festival of Helsinki
- the Global Music Centre of Helsinki
The meetings starts with the vision of the films. After that, the directors will talk about their works and will answer to the pubblic's questions.
It is possible to follow freely one or all the meeting only for pleasure or curiosity, without any writing.
By request, the students could write a diary and/or essay based on the meetings and gain credits (from 2 to 5, depending on the number of meetings and the pages) valid for:
- semiotic of art
- semiotic of culture
- musicology
- comparative religion
The languages accepted for the diaries/essays are: Finnish, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian.
Feel free to inform friends or other student about the iniciative.
The meetings are opened also to researchers, teachers, in few words to all the interested.
Information and inscription to all or only some meetings:
please write a short e-mail
(name, student number, major and the the meetings in which you are interested, if it is all, write only all) to: See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.